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Man Week– Jobs in SL: Photographer

Name:  Damion Theas
Job Title:  Owner of Captured Studio / Photographer
Rezday :  7/4/2007

How long have you been in Second Life? 5 years Damion 6-20-121

What is your job? How long have you been doing it? I’m the owner of Captured Photography, We’ve been opened almost 4 years now.

A little back ground of you place of work.  What do they do? How long have been doing it for?
It’s a photography studio, where we try to provide quality photos for SL citizens. We opened up in Nov of 2008.

How did you get into that field of work?
I had gotten tired of photographers that would make me wait 2 or 3 weeks for pictures that weren’t exactly what my wife and I had wanted, so we started playing around with it and decided that I could do work that was better then what I was paying for at the time.  Now don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of photographers out there in SL, some very talented, a few that I admire as photographers.  I think it just needs to be something that you’re willing to continually work at to try to make yourself better.

seule blanketDo you need any specific requirements to do what you do?
You need to have editing program on your computer and patience with people. Good people skills, or at least a asst. that has them.  In my case I’m more quiet and bring Seule ember in to talk to people while I’m doing their shoots. Makes the time go faster for them and it’s not so awkward to just be standing there waiting quietly.
There are some great pose makers out there now, and when I started it was pretty hard to find decent pose. A few good quality poses is a must. I personally would recommend checking out Essential Soul poses and Deeposed, they have some of the hottest couple and single poses out there.

Do you have a regular salary? If so how much is that?
I do have a set price list, and it varies depending on what the customer is looking for.  We cover a lot of areas, anything from a single picture to a full wedding.

Do you have any tips or words of wisdom to give newbies who are interested in doing your job? caged
Do it as long as it’s fun to you, SL is all about having a good time. Once what you’re doing is no longer fun or becomes to stressful it might be time to step away for a while and come back to it at a later time.
I enjoy doing pictures of people. It’s relaxing to me. But my advise to anyone that wanted to do them would be to keep it at a level that it’s something you want to do, rather then HAVE to do, other then that, just keep practicing at it.
It’s like everything else in life, you only get out what you put into it.

About KennieM

Sometimes, I think about things that I just have to write down.

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